National Security Seminar (NSS): 2 - 5 June 2025

The National Security Seminar is a four-day event that creates an environment for Army War College students and invited guests to examine current national security issues and exchange candid dialogue. NSS takes place during the first full week of June, immediately preceding resident class graduation, and serves as a capstone event that enhances student learning through exposure to a cross-section of American perspectives.

The War College's state-of-the-art teaching and training facility will host the 2025 NSS. The four-story, 201,600 square foot building features a 600-seat tiered auditorium with Skybox classrooms, 28 seminar spaces, two large group lecture rooms, and a two-story "Knowledge Commons" - a specialized academic library.

NSS provides a forum for distinguished speakers to discuss their views on issues of importance to the nation's security and welfare with invited guests, resident students, International Fellows, staff and faculty. NSS guests are introduced to future leaders of the American armed forces and government, and in turn permits our students to gain a better understanding of the society they serve.

Approximately 160 invitees join resident student seminar groups for the event. NSS guests come from across the country and are a cross-section of American life, representing a broad range of occupations, geographic regions, and age groups. Since this is an outreach program with a limited number of seats, we intentionally invite guests that do not have a close association with the military. This has the effect of encouraging a free and frank exchange of differing views among participants.

Six or seven NSS guests are assigned to each of the 25 student seminar groups. They are invited to become active participants in the discussions and are encouraged to probe and examine the seminar group's ideas vigorously to provide our students the benefit of their personal experience and perspectives. NSS guests are not required to prepare in advance for the Seminar.

We normally open the Seminar with a General Officer, currently serving or recently retired, to address current defense issues. Each day includes a guest speaker who sets the theme for the day's discussions. On subsequent days, distinguished speakers cover varied topics such as the challenges of civil-military relations, the role of domestic politics in national security, globalization, foreign policy, international security issues and the future role of the United States. Our speakers are widely recognized and accomplished experts in their respective fields.

NSS guests (and their spouses) have the opportunity for more informal discussions at several social events. These include an "Icebreaker Social" at the Army Heritage and Education Center (AHEC), individual "Seminar Social" events, and a Commandant's Reception held at his residence. In addition, NSS guests and their spouses are provided the opportunity to take a "Staff Ride" tour of the Gettysburg Battlefield with our experienced historians.